Mused BellaOnline Literary Review

12342807_10153741375473057_6118444643609719066_n-150x150My grandmother spoke several languages. She was learning Chinese at eighty-nine years of age. It was no surprise my mother would be inspired to follow suit. She pushed this ideology onto my siblings and me. For this reason, I was probably one of the few kids born in Texas whose first language was Hebrew

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Crack the Spine Wordsmith Series Interview

Not sure how12342807_10153741375473057_6118444643609719066_n-150x150 long I’ve been writing. I recall at thirteen sitting against an oak tree scribbling paragraphs with a pen and paper. I read what I’d written to a friend who subsequently sang in a band.

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Qu2-300x170Fred Bates just overdosed and died because of a broken heart—a surprising end for a philosophical and poetic man. His three closest friends from high school come together again to find out why,

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Also logline of the Day